Rehabilitation of L.S in Ratnanagar

The project was conducted in Ratnanagar Municipality of Chitwan entitled, “Study of impacts of dumping sites of Ratnagar Municipality and Upgradation Plan”. The project aimed to address the significant challenge of managing solid waste in a rapidly urbanizing area that holds environmental and economic importance due to its proximity to Chitwan National Park. With a population of 69,848 and a growing vision to promote wildlife tourism, the municipality is under pressure to balance urban development with environmental conservation. Clean City Nepal has been actively assisting the local government over the past two years to develop a robust solid waste management system. The focus of this project was to assess the impacts of the open dumping site used for waste disposal and to propose a comprehensive plan for its rehabilitation. This involved conducting a qualitative baseline survey, impact assessment, and suggesting essential engineering improvements such as a liner system, drainage system, and leachate treatment system.

Map of Rehabilitation of L.S in Ratnanagar - GD Labs Project

The project’s objectives included the formulation of a short-term rehabilitation plan for the existing dumping site and a long-term vision for sustainable landfill management. By studying the detrimental impacts of the current open dumping practices, the project proposed necessary engineering components and a structured plan to upgrade the landfill site over the next five years. This dual approach of short-term and long-term planning aimed to foster a waste-based circular economy model, promoting green entrepreneurship and ensuring that waste management practices supported both environmental conservation and the municipality’s economic ambitions in tourism.

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