Projects of GD Labs

Development of low cost air filters for brick kilns

Emissions from brick kilns significantly contribute to pollution and health issues, with diseases like lung cancer and tuberculosis affecting millions, including 200,000 people in the Kathmandu Valley...

Satarka! App Development

The Satarka! App is a user-centric mobile application designed to provide users with multi-hazard disaster information. Developed in-house by the GD team, the primary goal of this project is to...

Use of low-cost sensors for citizen awareness in Kora 2023 using Citizen Science

GD Labs, in partnership with FHI Nepal, launched an air pollution awareness project during Kora-2023. This event, an annual cycling drawing over 2000 participants, provided a unique platform to gather...

PPUP (Waste for Warmth Nepal)

Waste for Warmth Nepal seeks partners to utilize the Polyfloss technology for various product needs, helping communities manage their plastic waste by creating jobs and producing locally needed...

Development of business model for Bhenchen Baratabaran Sanrachyan Udyog

The Bhenchen Monastery in Swayambhu, Kathmandu, initiated an environmental project in 2018 to establish a plastic recycling industry. The monks initially installed machinery at Bhenchen Gumba but...

Plastics Insulating Polyfloss for Economic Roofing (PIPER)

The “Plastics Insulating Polyfloss for Economic Roofing” (PIPER) project, undertaken by Green Decision Labs and Research (GD Labs) in collaboration with World Vision International Nepal...

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) Birendranagar

The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) for Birendranagar was a two-year project funded by GIZ under IKI and implemented by Green Decisions Labs, Sano Paila, and Cycle City Network Nepal. This...

Smart Bin

The project was funded by Asia Foundation whereby GD Labs was commissioned by Cleanup Nepal to develop and install smart bins in waling municipality. The developed smartbin had the basic segregation...

High impact, low-cost sensors and citizen science for urban Air Quality Management

With the support of Urban Pathways, open-seneca provided 20 air quality monitoring devices, which arrived in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 19 August 2021. Sajha Yatayat and TU-CDES facilitated arrangements for...
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